Sunday, October 16, 2011
FashionINSPIRATION By He...Summer Quote
Now, He never claimed to be a lyrical genius, but people like He don't come along very often. Sitting outside the other day He just put together this little quote and thought it would be the perfect summer quote for the ArmHe. In addition to asking yourself, "Am I He Approved?" Now everytime you get dressed this summer, really any season, you can also ask yourself this very question. "Do I want to be a head turner, or a chick who turns heads?" The logic is simple, there are doers and then there are non-doers. Well dress, well styled, good looking girls get both men and women to turn heads and look at them. So either you are a person who turns to look, or you are the person being looked at. The decision is yours. Not sure where to start, He suggests the Archives of Fashion by He.