Thursday, April 21, 2011

Celebrating The International Earth Day of 2011.

Hey dolls...

I have been looking forward for this day for a long time, and finally it is here! The 22nd of April, EARTH DAY!

In this day, raising awareness of cleaning and caring about the earth should be done..
Today has always been celebrated since Gaylord Nilson, who was was an American Democratic politician from Wisconsin, started the idea of Earth Day in 1970.

I personally love the idea of having Earth Day, as it is something important and could make a difference if awareness is being raised. So Lets all work together to make our mother earth happy!

The simplest way of raising awareness about problems the earth is facing would be with teaching the children, as they are the future generation.

I personally believe that here in my country Oman, Earth Day is not considered an important day which should be celebrated. We do have plenty of problems regarding clean surface and pollution, but sadly, not much effort has been put into these issues.

Lets make everyday be Earthday and work together to show our love to our planet!!

Please take a moment to watch the following video: (Only 2 mins of your time)

and finally, i'd like to say to all of you guys: